From the moment Life Vineyard began in 2006, we have been on a journey of faith doing all we can to respond to the Lord’s leading as He has continued to bring more people to join us, and more opportunities to bring life to our region. Looking back for a moment, as we prepare to move forward, our story as a church has been an amazing testimony to God’s grace. He has led us every step of the way and invited us to always make room for more. We are so excited about all that God is doing and we want to share how we, as a church family, need to invest in the foundations of LVC. God is growing and multiplying His church, and we are all invited to take hold of His hand as He leads us on.


David & Nicola

Giving to the Foundations Offering

If this is an option that is available to you, this would be our preferred method, as the bank charges no fee to you or us and it minimises administrative time.You can set up a standing order or send a one-off payment using the following account details. We suggest adding a reference of “[mysurname]Foundations25”. Please indicate if it a one off gift with “OOG” or a regular gift with “RG” at the end.

Account name: Life Vineyard Church

Sort Code: 20-33-51

Account number: 90970174

Please click here if you would like to Gift Aid any regular or one-off giving to Life Vineyard, just fill out the form and click send

Click the link below and you will be taken through a simple process of giving online. There is a fund called ‘Foundations 2025’ that you can use for one of gifts. If you wpuld like to set up a regular gift this way then pleasse choose the ‘Regular Giving’ fund and choose what frequency you would like to give by and one what date/day.

Fees are payable on online transactions. If you bank online please consider giving by Bank Transfer for one off gifts and Standing Order for regular giving to maximise your giving.