Beloved 2024
We would absolutely love you to be with us at our Women’s day conference on Saturday 6th July 10.15am-4.30pm
“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” Corrie ten Boom
We are really looking forward to gathering together as women to grow in faith! This day will be a powerful time together in God’s presence. So get your ticket booked and invite your friends for a day that you just can’t miss!
This year we have three ticket options:
Generous ticket £…. Buy your ticket and add something to the ‘pot’ for those who need to book a free ticket
Ticket £10
Free ticket
Our speaker this year:
Rev. Valerie Elyott is first and foremost a disciple of Jesus
Christ. She is also a visionary leader who serves the body
of Christ in several capacities.
She is passionate about seeing people mature in their
walk with God and maintain an intimate relationship
with Him. She partners with leaders to strategically
position their ministries or businesses to fulfill God's
Valerie is an author and a speaker. She currently serves
on the UK Council of Churches in Communities
International and on the planning team of the UK
Charismatic and Pentecostal Leaders Gathering.
Spirit led workshops:
Worship Led by:
Catherine will be leading a workshop all around Transforming Struggles to Gratitude in Daily Life. Come and be encouraged to walk out your faith in every season.
Will be leading a workshop all about Spiritual Art Journalling. This is for absolutely everyone, not just those with artistic skills!
Patty is looking foward to taking us on a journey into a story in the bible using your imagination. In her Imaginative Prayer workshop come and encounter Jesus.
Bambi has served within the worship team in churches since the age of 15. Her musical taste is wide ranging, and she likes to bring these influences into worship.
She has a real passion for leading women in worship and we are looking forward to her doing so at Beloved this year.
How Beloved began:
In 2010 the Holy Spirit spoke to Caroline about creating spaces where women from different backgrounds, ages and stages could gather to meet with God and encourage one another.
After much prayer Caroline sensed God giving her the name ‘Beloved’, based on the beautiful verse from Deuteronomy 33v12 “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”
The first step was to lead a series of breakfasts and over time Beloved has continued to grow and evolve, but the heart behind the vision remains the same - to lead women to a place of deep encounter with the love of Jesus, encouraging them to allow the Holy Spirit into the very depths of their hearts and to be transformed from the inside out.
You are His Beloved!
Watch the Talks from Beloved 2022 here.
Session 1 - Rachael Thomas
Session 2 - Catherine Askew
Session 3 - Caroline Dawson
Watch the 2020 conference
You can watch the amazing worship, talk and interviews from the 2020 conference here